Hi, I am William
Currently living in California with the experience of raising two Border collies and their training. I grew up in the countryside with many sheep and dogs including Border collies around. I am attached to Border collies from my childhood. Now I have got much experience with this breed and know about all of their problems and counters of those problems. All of my neighbors bring their dogs to me and demand solutions to their collies behavioral and other problems.
Information provided on the Collies Life is authentic and delivered after a lot of research and authentication. I have 2 Border collies and I write down the problems I face in daily life with their solutions. Recommendations and solutions to the problems are authentic and I countered all the problems by these solutions before uploading them on the Collies Life
What I am serving?
I have got much experience with this breed and know about all of their problems and counters of those problems. All of my neighbors bring their dogs to me and demand solutions to their behavioral and other problems. All the articles uploaded here are the problems and solutions on how to overcome those problems. On the blogs page, you can find all the articles. On the home page, there are three categories available to jump on. You can get articles according to your need. For any kind of query, you can comment down freely.