border collie x German shepherd

border collie x German shepherd

Looking for a border collie x German shepherd dog? You are in the right place. This article is a complete guide about the German shepherd cross border collie dogs.

Border collie x German shepherd dogs are rare to be found. The shollie dog is a combination of two purebreds i.e., a border collie and a German shepherd dog. This dog possesses the traits of both of its ancestors. They are highly energetic and intelligent dogs. They can be adorable dog pets as they are very friendly towards the children and other family members. Border collie German shepherd dog can also be a good watch dog as they are not very friendly towards strangers and possess high energy.

Border collie X German shepherd personality behavior and temperament:

German Shepherd X Border collie puppies are highly energetic; therefore they cannot be adopted well inside the apartment. They require an open area to widen apart their legs and lost some of their energy. Similarly, they are also not easy for novice owners. They are a little sensitive as well so they cannot be controlled by the inexperienced owner so easily.

As the border collie x German shepherd dogs are the types of collies mix therefore a Border collie German shepherd dog can tolerate the hot and cold weather very well. But, they cannot tolerate being alone. They need proper attention, love, and time from the owner. Only buy this breed if you have enough time to give to your dog from your daily life routine.

German shepherd cross border collie dogs are very friendly towards the owner’s family and children. They can be very good dog pets. They are also friendly towards the other dogs and animals, but they get jealous very easily.

The shollie dog is not very friendly towards strangers. They can also be pet as the watchdogs.

Health issues in German shepherd cross border collie dog breed:

Border collie x German shepherd is a healthy dog breed. But, as the two purebred dog ancestors, shollie dogs can catch up with some genetic health problems. It is important to go through all the medical reports of the German shepherd x border collie puppies.

Some of the most common health issues found in the border collie x German shepherd dogs are:

Hip dysplasia:

It is the most common health problem the shollie dogs face. Hip dysplasia is the malformation of the hip joint in which the ball doesn’t fit properly into the socket, making weak ligaments.

This problem can be tracked in the border collie and German shepherd mix dogs at the early phase of their age. The early signs are stiff when getting up or walking.

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Gastric dilation (BLOAT):

The BLOAT occurs when a border collie x German shepherd dog eats too much or drinks too much water after a meal. This must be avoided, and the owner must take care of this problem. As it affects the deep chest of the border collie and German shepherd mix.

There are many chances that the blood flow to the heart can be reduced by the BLOAT. Because the German shepherd cross border collie dog is unable to pass the excessive air through the stomach. The stomach gets twisted and reduces the blood flow to the heart.

The early signs of gastric dilatation in the border collie German shepherd dogs are restlessness. You will notice that your dog is unable to pass the excessive air. If you notice such signs in your border collie cross German shepherd dog, then you should contact the Vet asap.

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EPI is another genetic disease found in the German shepherd cross border collie dogs. It is a digestion problem due to the insufficient growth of the enzymes in the pancreas of the shollie dog.

Early sing of the EPI is weight loss, loss of appetite, and wasting. If you notice such signs in your German shepherd cross border collie dog, then you should contact the Vet and conduct a blood test.

Other health issues are CEA, Epilepsy, and skin allergies.

Grooming and Training of Border collie cross German shepherd dogs:

The border collie German shepherd dog is easy to be groomed and maintained. It is because they don’t shed a lot. Their drooling potential is not so good.

Border collie German shepherd is big in size so it also has a strong potential for weight gain.

The shollie dog is very easy to be trained due to their high IQ level and ability to learn new skills. They have wanderlust potential. Border collie cross German shepherd has a very high energy level therefore they need proper daily exercise.

What is the average life span of a Border collie German Shepherd mix(shollie dog)?

Border collie and German shepherd mix have an average life span of 13-15 years. This life span is fine with such types of large dog breeds.

What are the average height and weight of a border collie and German shepherd mix?

The average height of a border collie x German shepherd dog is between 21 to 29 inches. Whereas the weight of a shollie dog is between 70 to 80 pounds. These dogs are the types of collies mix but are considered in the large dog groups.

How smart is shollie dog?

Border collies are popular to be known as the most intelligent dog breed. Similarly, as ancestor border collie dogs, German shepherd x border collie puppies are very smart and intelligent genetically. The border collie German shepherd is always ready to learn some new skills and tricks. Both German shepherd and border collies combine their traits of working hard into the German shepherd x border collie puppies.


Border collie x German shepherd is the best pet dog for families. It is suitable for you if you can give enough time to it from your daily life routine. They are very loving and playful. They love to play with children. So, you can bring German shepherd border collie puppies at home.

It is important to check the medical reports of a border collie German shepherd dog before bringing it to your home. Make sure it doesn’t have any health condition.

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