Which dog is smarter Border collie or Australian shepherd

Which dog is smarter Border collie or Australian shepherd

Border collies are the most energetic dogs with countless energy. Australian shepherds are collie dogs with the same energy and behaviour as the Border collies. Australian shepherds are also known as the Aussies. So by comparing these both breeds, which dog is smarter, Border collie or Australian shepherd? What is the IQ of both these dogs? Which dog is better at solving puzzles and learning commands fast?

Both Border collie and Australian Shepherds are intelligent dogs, but Collies are more intelligent and smarter than the Aussies. After the Coren experiment performed on the dogs’ IQ level, Border collies are on the top of the list, whereas Aussies lie on the 42nd number.

Which dog is a smarter Border collie or Australian shepherd?

Both these dog breeds are super adorable and intelligent dogs. They are highly energetic dogs with a very loyal and one-person nature. They are very attentive and loving dogs by nature. In comparison to intelligence, Border collies are undoubtedly more intelligent and fast learners than the Aussies. Border collies have the ability to learn more commands up to 1000. They are swift learners. A simple collie dog can learn any command within 5 repetitions and sometimes within 10 seconds.

See also: 10 Best Dog Foods for Border collies in 2023

Solving puzzles: Border collie or Australian shepherd

Australian shepherds are up on the brainiac list. According to the experiments, it’s been seen that Aussies can solve puzzles fast as compare to the Border collies. Whereas in learning commands, Border collies are ahead. Collies are very good at work and in following orders from the owner. They are more workaholics as compare to the Aussies.

You can buy this Interactive Puzzle Game for your dog: Buy on Amazon

Learning commands: Border collie or Australian shepherd

Border collies can learn any new command with 5 repetitions or less. Trained collies have the ability to learn commands within 10 seconds. After learning the command, there is 95% success that your collie dog will obey it. On the other hand, Aussies are the 42nd, most intelligent dogs. They learn a new command within 25 to 30 repetitions, but there is only a 50% success rate that your Aussie will obey that command.

Get help from this book and teach 118 trick and commands to your dog: Buy on Amazon

Work: Border collie or Australian shepherd

Both these dog breeds are very energetic and passionate. Both have the same herding nature. Border collies need constant activity and are always up into something. You will never see a Border collie lying at the corner of the house all day. Border collies never relax, whereas Aussies only work when it is needed; otherwise, they don’t have strong, energetic desires like collies.

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Quick cessation

A border collie is a smarter and a fast learner as compared to the Australian shepherd. Either way, both these dog breeds are very loving, loyal, and family dogs. If Collies and Aussies were on any dating site, then both these dog breeds would have rounded up all of the ladies.

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