Do Border Collies have separation anxiety

Do Border Collies have separation anxiety

Border collies have separation anxiety which becomes a big trouble for the owner later. Why do Border collies go through separation anxiety? What is the reason for collie’s separation anxiety? How to control and calm down a collie having separation anxiety? What training can be provided to a Border collie who is having separation anxiety?

If your Border collie barks non-stop whenever you leave home, jumps around the house, or chew things it means your border collie has separation anxiety. Border collies have separation anxiety if they stay nervous and scared all the time. There is no fault of your Border collie in any damage whenever he is left alone. Border collies act like that whenever you leave them alone at home. Training and some instructions can help in controlling your Border collie’s separation anxiety.

Do Border Collies have separation anxiety?

Border collies are very active dogs that like to keep on working and moving all the time. It is important to make sure your border collie doesn’t go into the anxiety. Most of the time Border collies have separation anxiety when you leave them alone at home. They start destroying home furniture and chewing all other items at home. This is very common among all Border collies. Border collies also have separation anxiety because of the fear of separation from the owner whenever the owner goes out of the house.

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Symptoms behind Border collies separation anxiety

There are many reasons for collies’ separation anxiety. It could also be due to boredom or maybe also be due to trauma at a younger age.

Border collies start chewing, digging, and generally show bad behavior in boredom as well as when border collies have separation anxiety. The results are the same but the reasons could be different. Normally collies destroy everything in boredom rapidly to pass the time or get attention. Border collies panic the time you leave and after hours of boredom, he looks for something destructive to do.

Symptoms of Border collies having separation anxiety are overeating or undereating. Vomiting, Diarrhea, hyperactivity, barking, and fearfulness are some common symptoms that your Border collies have separation anxiety. Sometimes going through depression, aggressiveness, salivation, and ear twitching are also symptoms of separation anxiety.

If you ever see or feel these symptoms of separation anxiety in your Border collie, you need to take some action before things go out of your hands.

What are the reasons behind Border collie’s separation anxiety?

There could be many reasons behind your Border collie’s separation anxiety. When there is a slight change in the schedule and you leave your Border collie alone at home longer than before, your collie feels like you went out without him and will never come back.

Lack of stimulation and neglect as a puppy can also be the reason that your Border collies have separation anxiety. Being the leader of the pack, you can play a great role in controlling your Border collie’s separation anxiety. You can help him to get through his hard days.

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How to deal with Border collie’s separation anxiety

Never forget that you have to reward your Border collie every time he behaves well and ignore his bad behavior.  If you think your Border collies have separation anxiety, consult with the vet because there is a high success rate with the use of natural ways.

The following are some practical ways that will help your Border collie fearless when left alone at home.

  • Training can help in the prevention of your Border collie’s separation anxiety.
  • You need to teach your Border collie to understand being alone at home
  • Always be less affectionate with your Border collie
  • Never punish your Border collie for any mistake

How to deal with BC’s separation anxiety

It is very important to control a Border collie’s separation anxiety before he becomes a problem dog for you.

Teach your Border collie basic training and all necessary commands like sit, drop, stay, calm, and relax. Make sure everyone at your home is consistent with your collie’s training. Always reward your collie in good manners.

Take your Border collie into a less area room and play with him. After some time give him a chewing toy and go out of the room in front of him. Make sure there is not an appliance in the room that can be destroyed by your Border collie. Come back after some time and reward him. Similarly, keep on doing this by increasing the time every time.  Through this, your Border collie will learn to live alone and will stay in control even if left alone at home.

Don’t be too affectionate with your Border collie otherwise, your Border collie will have separation anxiety if you left him alone at home. Don’t sleep with him on the bed during his training. Try to avoid sitting with him on a couch or taking him in your lap a lot. Reward for good manners and behavior and ignore his bad behavior. Never punish or get angry with your Border collie otherwise it will make things worse.

Always remember that never hug or say goodbye to your Border collie before going out or arriving. Make you’re going and arriving uneventfully and normally.

Serious separation anxiety

Most border collies have separation anxiety at a younger age when they are puppies and untrained. Border collie puppies start crying when they are left alone at home. Separation anxiety causes destruction and destructive behavior by the Border collie puppy. If you are unable to control or train your collie puppy, immediately contact a vet or a good dog trainer.

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Final words

Border collies have separation anxiety due to boredom and loneliness. Good training for your Border collie puppy is very necessary to save him from separation anxiety. If you are unable to control your Border collie’s separation anxiety, you must contact the dog trainer. Serious separation anxiety can also become the reason for your Border collie’s death. Keep in mind Border collies get their feelings hurt very easily so it is very important to take care of your collie’s feelings.

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